
2021 Got Me Feeling Unicorny // End of year donations 🎉

Dearest ATREYU,

The last day of 2020 comes with a shock to me as I did not think this day would ever come. How about you??

Yet, tomorrow, little will have changed except on the odometer of the AD years. Somehow that seems exciting nonetheless. As I heard recently, “it’s time for a new roll of the dice”. I’ll go with that.

The photos above are from the “Unicorns are Sexy” show in Minneapolis a few years back, and screenshots of two of this months donations.

I couldn’t be happier that we can now afford to donate more to the causes we all care about. Thanks to all of YOU, we were able to give $50 each to National Resources Defense Council and Color of Change this month. That’s a big step up in supporting our two biggest causes: environmentalism and equality for all 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

I literally couldn’t be making donations like these without all of you. We’ve donated hundreds of dollars this year, collectively!!!🔥🎉🔥. I’d also like to think there was some pretty weird and interesting art for your perusal too.

Thank you doesn’t even begin to cut it, but I mean it. You all literally rock my world each and every month!!!

A trillion Thank you’s for being here ~ let’s keep our eyes in the stars, our hearts with each other and our feet on the ground.

Here’s to 2021 🎉



P.s. if you’re still here? If you’ve read this far? Touch the little heart on the bottom of this post and share your thoughts (best done in the app). At this point in my career I encourage both criticism and praise 🔥