
Hallow’s Eve Treat 4 U

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Bold New Year

Thank you so much for being here with me. On Dec 31st, 2019, Pole for the Globe was able to donate to 3 different causes: the National Resources Defense Council (which cares for both earth, water, and wildlife alike), the Amazon Frontlines (which benefits the care of the amazon rainforest and their indigenous peoples) , and lastly the Queensland Fire Brigade who are working tirelessly among others to battle the raging wild fires in Australia right now.

It’s an intense time with so many causes needing bolstering but I believe we are doing some good by doing our small part. Thank you again for being here!! We are at 27 amazing patrons now and we’re so thankful for each and every one of you!

Let’s keep doing what we can. Let’s keep talking and sharing.

Happy New DECADE xoxox
