My ever-loving Atreyu. This is a moment I thought would never come.
Netflix has a new movie all about pole dancing, and it showcases my original pole dance studio in LA! This was the place I became a baby pole dancer. 🐣
This film describes the pole dance movement I am a part of and it really shines light on how pole dancing can be a healing art form. This is an ever-expanding sensual movement community! I am so proud to see Sheila Kelley, my fellow pole teachers from LA, pole sport athletes I’m friends with, and even my stretching coach Serchmaa in this movie!!! 🤗😍
***Fair warning***: this movie is not for the faint of heart. There are some tough topics in this documentary but that’s what makes it so friggin good.
To be able to share a film with my parents, family, and friends like you that explains what the hell we’re all doing up on a pole is well – fantastic. Dustin and I have watched it together and my parents and aunts and uncles have watched it too. It really helps them understand! It’s like having a huge piece of my life explained and is super meaningful to me 🙌🏼
Needless to say ~ I’d love to know your thoughts if you watch it. That being said ~ you have to watch it :))
Thank you for being here ~ let’s keep our eyes in the stars, our hearts with each other and our feet on the ground.
Xoxoxo Featherpistol
P.s. if you’re still here? If you’ve read this far? Touch the little heart on the bottom of this post and share your thoughts (best done in the app). At this point in my career I encourage both criticism and praise 🔥