
P O L E D A N C E // R I T U A LS

Hello Atreyu <3 Hope you’re all surviving the week and taking good care of your hearts, minds, bodies and souls.   I have been working hard on a piece of writing for the last couple of months, and I’m still not sure it’s done.  Buuuut I can’t stare at it any longer, so I decided… Continue reading P O L E D A N C E // R I T U A LS

June Donation ~ x 2 !

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Alternate Routes

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The Bodies in Motion Collection

Good Morning Atreyu 💖 I hope this note finds you **taking care of your mental health** and using your voice for the causes you’re passionate about. I’m beyond honored that you’re here with me during this tumultuous time in our world. As you know, I create art that fights for various causes, and those causes… Continue reading The Bodies in Motion Collection

Coca Cola V I C T O R Y + pocket change on Patreon

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May Donation to Color of Change ✊🏼✊🏽✊✊🏾✊🏿

☀️Happy Sunday ☀️ Sending you full spectrum powerful love this weekend ⚡️ You may not know that I usually donate at the end of every month after I’ve done my accounting for the month too. As this week has been very intense for most of us, I knew this meant our donation had to reflect… Continue reading May Donation to Color of Change ✊🏼✊🏽✊✊🏾✊🏿

Just Sending Love

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P4TG Podcast #3 ~ The Ripple Effect with Katlin Campbell

I had such a great chat with my good friend Katlin Campbell recently. In this current climate of racial protests & police reform during a pandemic, conversations are more important than ever. Keep talking to your people and keep using your voice for good. In this podcast Katlin discusses “the ripple effect” and how important… Continue reading P4TG Podcast #3 ~ The Ripple Effect with Katlin Campbell

P4TG Podcast #2 ~ Sensuality, Pole Dance & Relationships with Wendy Newman

So fantastic to sit down and talk with this lady about all things in the realm of sex & relationships!! Wendy is the author of the book “121 First Dates”, a women’s workshop and seminar leader, and now a screenplay writer ~ oh my! Take a listen to hear more about Wendy’s take on the… Continue reading P4TG Podcast #2 ~ Sensuality, Pole Dance & Relationships with Wendy Newman

Beastmasters Only: Rehearsals for This Sat

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