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Backstage Last Night

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It’s International Polar Bear Day!

In honor of the polar bears we have left on this earth, our February donation is going to protect their habitat in the Arctic and fight against drilling for oil in their areas.   I found some interesting facts about these beautiful creatures and wanted to share 🙂 1.  # of polar bears worldwide 26,000… Continue reading It’s International Polar Bear Day!

Shout Out to Wendy

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Performance Photo ~ Pole for the Forests

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Quick Interview After the Show @ Circus Center Cabaret

I was honored to be asked for a sit-down interview after my performance in February this year!  We were at the Circus Center Cabaret and the lovely Madame Borghesi asked me about Pole for the Globe and our initiative.  I couldn’t be here without YOU, thank you so much for believing in this project.  Here’s… Continue reading Quick Interview After the Show @ Circus Center Cabaret

Performance Creation ~ Pole for Breast Cancer

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We Can Do It! If We Cut Emissions ASAP

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Inspiration from Nature <3

I found both of these articles super inspiring!  Whales have the same new song each year, documenting the first-ever proof of a cultural learning tradition outside of human species:   https://blog.conservation.org/2018/10/new-web-series-chronicles-whale-songs-in-the-key-of-climate-change/?utm_campaign=eNews&utm_medium=email&utm_source=FY19_eNews_2018Nov29_C_ND&s_src=Email&s_subsrc=FY19_eNews_2018Nov29_C_ND  Indigenous cultures have a huge wealth of knowledge about nature and how it can help us in our current state.  We must listen to… Continue reading Inspiration from Nature <3

Happy Holidays <3

5 Things Clear is asking for New Years resolutions from us:))) they are asking each of us to make a pledge to pick up 5 pieces of plastic every day in 2019…..it only takes a couple hundred of us to pick up a million pieces by the end of the next year ❤️ Not a… Continue reading Happy Holidays <3