
Pole Dancing for Jesus (for Realz)

      Interesting Article: Where are all the Real People http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/28/arts/television/casting-reality-tv-has-become-more-difficult.html?ref=todayspaper&pagewanted=all Refreshingly Honest Article:  It’s Complicated Dude, Lots of Ins & Outs http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/28/business/growing-pains-for-burning-man-festival.html?ref=todayspaper&pagewanted=all Above are a couple of articles I came across recently.  They, in a round about way, remind me why I Pole Dance For Jesus.  These topics, although not disastrous, are just… Continue reading Pole Dancing for Jesus (for Realz)

She’s Playabound!

      Ok yes.  It’s that time of year.  If you’re bound for the Black Rock Desert and you’re checking featherpistol.com every night before you leave 🙂 come find me at Camp PLEASAir  (8:30 & E) on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.  I think it’s listed in the “who what where when” for playa events.… Continue reading She’s Playabound!

Performing for Clean Socks Fundraiser

Hellooo All! I am so happy to be a part of this San Francisco event!!!! All benefits will go to the best-est Contortion Teacher Ever:  Serchmaaaaaa See photo below for details.  

Have you seen a Moose Lately?

    This planet is an amazing thing.  I recently travelled to Alaska for a fishing trip with my family, and the beauty and peace and EXPANSE of this divine earth dwelling is truly breathtaking.  So many things to take in ~~ fresh air, big mammals, huge fish, soaring Eagles, sunrise, sunset, fresh water, good… Continue reading Have you seen a Moose Lately?

Eye of the Featherpistol

        Eye of the Featherpistol What is it you ask?  Well….it’s the Feather~P mind in action, caught on video.  Here are a few examples so you can get the flavor: A Swim @ the Playboy Mansion Baby Bird takes a Sh*t on Alcatraz Island All of this and more can be found… Continue reading Eye of the Featherpistol

A Guillotine (Pole) Dance

    Hello yall Bastille Passionates. Tomorrow night, in honor of Bastille Day, there will be a lovely celebration in the Heart of SF.  I couldn’t possibly do a better job of writing the details than the Creator of the Event, so let me share his words: Bastille Day Celebration & Fashion Show France du… Continue reading A Guillotine (Pole) Dance

Two Wolves

I thought I’d share this lovely blog article: http://humansarefree.com/2011/07/cherokee-legend.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FYTqom+%28Humans+Are+Free-Blog%29 I Love this!!  Definitely something to think & Feel about Much Love to All Humans & Beasts LL Featherpistol

Featherpistol & Friends Raise $$ for Charity!

Last Friday Featherpistol & Friends gathered at Mars Bar for a delicious evening of pole dance performance, free drinks, and raffle prizes.  All this in the name of Local Charity!!  It was such a new kind of magic! All who came and supported the event were happy and smiling.  In fact, I have a distinct… Continue reading Featherpistol & Friends Raise $$ for Charity!

Charity Pole Dance Event ~ Mars Bar SF

Come Enjoy the Art of Pole Dance at Mars Bar SF! Friday June 17th, 2011 50% of Proceeds will go to a local Charity that supports women and children who have suffered from Domestic Violence Two performances, 10:30 and Midnight Each with TWO GIRLS 🙂 Plussss there will be raffle prizes!!! One FREE Drink and… Continue reading Charity Pole Dance Event ~ Mars Bar SF

Featherpistol.com is now LIVE!

The New~Old School Website by Featherpistol! With all the info you need to know about Aerial Pole Dance, Featherpistol.com is live and ready for your perusal.  Enjoy Performer Blogs, performance updates, videos, photos and random amusing tidbits… Also check us out on Social Media.  Last week I posted a whole diatribe on Facebook, feel free… Continue reading Featherpistol.com is now LIVE!